Research Publications


Irene Hamrick (a), Paul Mross (b), Nate Christopher (b), Paul D. Smith (a)

Complementary Therapies in Medicine
Volume 35, December 2017, Pages 57-63

BACKGROUND: Unintentional falls affect 30% of people over age 65 years. Yoga has been shown to improve balance. We designed this study to examine if yoga reduces falls.


Complement Ther Med. 2017 Apr; 31:118-126. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2017.01.007. Epub 2017 Feb 20

Smith PD1, Mross P2, Christopher N2

OBJECTIVES: Work with local rural organizations to develop an evidence-based Hatha yoga program intended to improve core strength and balance to reduce falls risk. Feasibility determined by successful recruiting, intervention and evaluation of participants and acceptable frequency of adverse events.