Dance of Shiva Standing







Description: This video depicts a dynamic movement practice that incorporates many yoga poses into one sequence. This is done standing.

Duration: 9.33 minutes

Category: Balance, Movement, Strength


  • Improve balance, coordination, strength, and/or motor planning (praxis) skills.

  • Sensory processing, attention, and concentration


  1. Step forward with one foot and rock between back and front foot.

  2. Increase dance, by balancing on front foot while stepping back foot forward to knee bent and foot slightly off floor. Then return foot back to original spot.

  3. Continue dance by adding non-chair-supported hand and arm to sequence. Arch that hand and arm overhead.

  4. Repeat on other side.


Always assess your or the patient’s ability to perform what is asked in the video. Make sure any obstacles are free from the space. Only use this video if this is within your scope of practice. As with all movement programs, when using our videos, you need to use common sense. You are solely responsible for any results from use of or instruction with this video.